Natural Stone Facts
Natural stone is a dynamic material, which exhibits tremendous variance of its core natural characteristics. The palette of colors and diversity of textures is extensive. Distinctive luster of the natural stone communicate elegance and quality that cannot be imitated by any other substance.
The composition of natural stone is extremely complex on a chemical and physical basis. There are immense variations in the properties of density, absorption and resilience. These factors have a tremendous impact on the necessity for specialized maintenance to protect and preserve the value and elegance of stone.
In the last 20 years, there has been a revolution in the stone industry worldwide. Natural and composite stone products are the media of choice when building a new home or re-modeling an old one. Kitchen and bathroom floors, walls and counters, as well as other areas of the home, are completed with stone applications.
Natural stone is as old as the earth itself. There is a certain magic about stone that cannot be reproduced by any other material. Natural stone comes from all over the world: Italy, Greece, Turkey, Spain, United States, France, Brazil, Mexico, and China. It is amazing to consider that in the past two years, over forty continents have produced more than 102,000 tons of Travertine, 180,000 tons of Marble, and 380,000 tons of Granite! There are more than twenty-thousand types of different stones. It would be impossible to list every type available but there are some common characteristics that can be identified. There are three basic geological types:
- Igneous Rocks
- Metamorphic Rocks
- Sedimentary Rocks